I just found out that yesterday was Doctors' day... I've grown up with a few doctors in the family, a few friends are now super duper doctors, and since I've also been ill every now and then, I've been treated by unrelated unknown doctors. So here is my 5 pointer check list for lay people like you and me: 1. The next time you whine about how long you have to wait outside the doctor's office, kindly- yes PLEASE please also make sure you whine while you wait in a long queue outside the box office. After all, both are a matter of life, health, happiness and death NO?! 2. The next time the doctor prescribes antibiotics "unnecessarily", please don't take them. When you go back after 3 days with a condition that's worse off, I love watching the doctor bang his/her head on the wall once you've left. 3. If the doctor said that bump on your head is boil, it most likely is- Oh wait it can't be that simple. Dr. Google says it's a malignan...