All of 25 (ok a little more than that!) and I know that many people my age talk of the MANY milestones that have been splendid events in their lives or those of their loved ones. It was probably a 1 year and 1 month anniversary of the first most brilliant tart you ate or the 2 year anniversary of joining the new job or a 30th birthday of a sister's fiance's sister... And it's great to celebrate every small wonder that fills our lives I am sure. What do you make of a number like 100 then? 100 days since a baby was born maybe, your 100th public appearance, 100 people you convinced to buy lemonade, 100 thousand in your bank account for 100 days (if that was ever possible;)), 100 notebooks that you filled while in school, 100 pieces of collectibles lying hidden in the bottom draw of your cupboard that you admire everyday of your life, the 100 rs your housemaid gave you as a gift at your wedding, 100 to-do things that you wrote down in a small notebook and can't find it ...